Invite for Satellite Sessions on male accountability for health rights & social norm change

Dear friends,


Please join us for the following sessions on October 15 at the COPASAH Global Symposium 2019


*Oct 15, New Delhi, India Habitat Centre, Mahogany, 11.30-1.00 pm: Men’s Accountability Towards Gender and Social Justice

A number of civil society groups have developed methodologies for increasing male accountability in areas as diverse as family planning, health, sexualities and violence against women. The session will present a spectrum of experiences from across India on efforts for increasing male accountability on issues of equity and equality, with a focus on improving outcomes for women and girls and marginalised groups.


Chaired by Satish Kumar Singh, Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ), the session will discuss increased utilisation of public health facilities for reproductive health care by engaging with men (Dr Shashikant Ahankari, Halo Medical Foundation, Maharashtra), men’s accountability for maternal health rights (Devendra Bhadauria, Dharti Sansthan, Madhya Pradesh), digital interface with adolescents and young men on gender and SRHR (Adarsh, Manjari Sansthan, Rajasthan), and impact of men’s involvement in family planning and reproductive health (Pravesh, SAHAYOG, Uttar Pradesh).


* Oct 15, New Delhi, India Habitat Centre, Silver Oak 2, 4.30 pm-6.00 pm: Men as Agents of Social Norm Change

Male engagement is crucial for removing barriers towards gender and social justice. Men’s involvement in programmes and policies aimed at bringing gender and social equality is increasingly recognised but practices of engaging men are still relatively new. Hence it is important to have platforms that bring together relevant experiences and strategies.

Chaired by Dr Shashikant Ahankari, Halo Medical Foundation (HMF), the session will explore men’s role in violence prevention (Lora Prabhu, CEQUIN, Delhi), role of men as partners and fathers (Rajiv Ranjan Sinha, Srijan Foundation, Jharkhand), male engagement in addressing violence against women (Anchita Ghatak, Parichiti, West Bengal), and campaigning to involve men in changing discriminatory social norms (Rimjhim Jain, CHSJ, Delhi)

For more information, you can view the attached poster for Men’s as Agents of Social Norm Change  and a poster for Men’s Accountability