Harnessing Accountability through External Public Audits Global Launch Event
November 17 2020 – 8.30 am to 9.30 am EST
The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), the International Budget Partnership (IBP) and the World Bank are convening a global launch of a new report, Harnessing Accountability through External Public Audits: An assessment of national oversight systems. The report, jointly developed by IDI and IBP, draws on data from IBP’s
latest Open Budget Survey to evaluate different aspects of the audit and oversight function in 117 countries and offers recommendations on how these systems can be strengthened.
This event will bring together representatives of supreme audit institutions (SAIs), civil society organizations, international development partners and other public financial management experts to discuss the report’s results and critical next steps.
For more information and to access the full details regarding the event, follow this link Harnessing Accountability through External Public Audits Nov 17 Agenda
You may also be interested in reading the event blog and report. To access the event, please click on this event link.