GPSA Forum: Register now and submit your session proposal

The Global Partners Forum on Social Accountability and the Challenge of Inclusion is coming up soon on November 19-21, 2019.

Registration and call for session proposals are still open. If you haven’t done it yet, register now.

The 6th Global Partners Forum is organized in partnership with the World Bank’s Human Rights and Development Trust Fund, Open Society Foundations and the Public Service Accountability Monitor at Rhodes University.

Attendance to the Forum is free and open to all. A limited number of sponsorships covering travel and accommodation are available for participants from GPSA partner organizations. To apply for this sponsorship, be sure to register by September 1, 2019 and mark ‘yes’ to the respective question on the form.

The Forum is, as in past years, a co-creation between the GPSA and its Global Partners. We invite you to take part in building the Forum agenda and sharing your experience in social accountability. Submit your session or speaker proposals by September 1st.

If you have questions or comments, please reach out to us at For more information on the Forum theme, read the Forum Brief, and for general information, program updates, and logistics, consult the GPSA Forum web page.