Building Back Better – Ensuring Social Accountability in Southern Africa’s Development: A Regional Dialogue for Non-State Actors on the SADC RISDP 2020-30 and its Draft Implementation Plan 29-30 June 2021 (Virtual) Meeting Summary and Recommendations
The regional non-state actors (NSA) dialogue, held virtually on 29 and 30 June 2021, focused on the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-2030 and its draft Implementation Plan, under the theme of Building Back Better – Ensuring Social Accountability in Southern Africa’s Development. The dialogue raised much-needed awareness among non-state actors (NSAs) about the commitments contained in the RISDP 2020-2030 and it’s draft Implementation Plan. It provided NSAs an opportunity to exchange ideas and formulate recommendations to bring about sustained recovery in the region, amid the overlapping crises of Covid-19, climate change, poverty and inequality, through the provision of resilient, accountable and gender-responsive social services. Equally important was the firm commitment by stakeholders to facilitate ongoing regional and national dialogues to support NSAs to adapt and share the recommendations through country-level engagements to inform the development of national RISDP implementation plans. Key recommendations were made to SADC and its member states across each of the crosscutting issues as appears more fully from the Meeting Summary and Recommendations Report.
Call for Consultancy Services
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Across 190 countries and territories, they work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
Job Number: 511596 – Location: Africa- Mozambique
Work Type : Consultancy – Production of budget analyses products (sector budget briefs, policy brief and budget memo) based on the 2018 State Budget Law.
The SPEaR section aims to hire a consultant to conduct budget analyses and produce analytical and advocacy products used by the office to advance equitable investments for children, at different moments of the budget cycle. The analyses will include three budget briefs (on Education, Health and Water & Sanitation) of the 2018 State Budget, a policy brief on Sanitation[1], a Methodology for the Development of a Nutrition Budget Brief, a Budget Memo (an analysis of the State Budget Proposal 2019) and a revision of the Budget Memo.
For more information on this post, visit the link below.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
Opening Date Tue Mar 13 2018 20:15:00 GMT+0200 (South Africa Standard Time) South Africa Standard Time
Closing Date Tue Mar 27 2018 23:55:00 GMT+0200 (South Africa Standard Time)
Call for Consultancy Services
Project Title: Transforming Lives – Transforming the Policy Environment for Accelerating Access to SRHR by Adolescents and Young People, within an SDGs Framework, in Southern Africa (2018-2020)
Consultancy Title: Content Development for a Toolkit on Social Accountability Monitoring for Youth-friendly SRHR Services
Issue Date: 6 March 2018 [Readvertised- open until filled]
Location: Consultant should be based in southern Africa and/or any of the implementing countries.
SAfAIDS, through funding support from Sweden, is implementing a three-year (20182020) regional policy and advocacy programme, which seeks to work at the regional level to influence policy in three thematic SRHR spheres of sexual gender-based violence, adolescent pregnancy and unsafe abortion with links to maternal mortality and access to youth friendly SRHR information and services. Under Strategic Objective 3, the programme seeks to strengthen the capacity of regional youth organisations and networks in social accountability monitoring of the delivery of youth-friendly SRH information and services, in southern Africa, by 2020. Under this objective, SAfAIDS seeks to contract a technical expert to lead and jointly undertake a research and content development process aimed at developing, finalising and endorsing a Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) Toolkit to be utilised in SAfAIDS implementing countries: – Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Toolkit will work closely with, and complement, the MobiSAM app to be concurrently piloted by Rhodes University.
For more information download the Terms of Reference
Fundamentals of Social Accountability Courses 2018
The Public Service Accountability Monitor’s Regional Learning Programme (RLP) offers the Fundamentals of Social Accountability Monitoring course (a Rhodes University accredited course) twice a year. This course provides an introduction to a rights-based approach to social accountability and an integrated systemic approach to evidence-based social accountability monitoring of public resource management frameworks. It is suited for civil society decision-makers, trainers on social accountability monitoring and advocacy, government oversight bodies, media practitioners, and academics. The 2018 course dates are as follows:
9 – 20 July 2018. Application closing date: 25 May 2018
8 – 19 Oct 2018. Application closing date: 24 August 2018
For information on how to apply and costs, contact us at